Home Care Services
AgeWell ARTSZ provides home based medical, nursing and therapy services.
This enables elderly patients with poor mobility to continue to receive comprehensive medical, nursing and therapy services from within the home environment.
A. Home Medical
Elderly patients with multiple medical problems often have concomitant impaired mobility. As a result, it may be difficult for them to travel out of the home to access medical services.
AgeWELL ARTSZ Medical Group provides home based medical care provided by a geriatrician trained in the care of the elderly.
Some of the types of medical problems handled by a geriatrician are:
- Dementia and its complications including behavioural problems, acute confusional states etc
- Elderly who have experienced falls or are at risk of falls
- Elderly with nutritional problems
- Those with feeding problems
- Patients with multiple medical problems with polypharmacy and its risks of adverse reactions
- Elderly patients with continence problems and issues with constipation
B. Home Nursing
Similarly, our nurses who are also trained in the care of the elderly, provide home based nursing advice and follow-up for this group of patients. Nursing services provided are:
- Changing of nasogastric feeding tubes
- Changing of urinary catheters
- Management of wounds and pressure ulcers
- Management of constipation and urinary incontinence
- Management of behavioural problems in patients with dementia
- General review of the patient’s status
- Medication management and training
- Nutrition management and advice
- Home based individualized caregiver training
- Caregiver counseling and support
C. Home Therapy
Home based therapy involves an occupational therapist and physiotherapist visiting the elderly patient at home to provide rehabilitation support within the home environment.
Our Charges for Home Care